php entwicklung

Zur Kenntnis einiger Informationen über das Release von Maguma Workbench, da ich gesehen habe, dass JOsh einige Punkte als erwähnenswert aufzählt.

Maguma hat die modulare PHP IDE Maguma Workbench released:

hier der Changelog Changelog
Screenshot -> 2.1.0

* Added localization capabilities, initial supported languages are English and German
Added support for SFTP in both "Open from ..." dialog and the remote browser
* Changed the settings section of "ftpservers" to "remoteservers" to support both FTP and SFTP
* Added the new style selection widget for highlight token settings
* Moved highlight token settings, keywords and examples into the highlighters.xml file
* Added the "Insert PHP Block" function to the main menu
* Added the cursor color, function insight colors, and gutter colors to the Global colors section * Added "Add watch" to the editor popup menu
* Added "Toggle Breakpoint" to the editor popup menu
* Added "Remove watch" to the debug watch window right-click menu
* Added the "Stack Trace" notebook panel to the Debug window
* Added popup menu to the directory panel of the File Manager, allows making local directories and renaming
* Fixed the "Live update" functionality of the Regular Expression helper dialog
* Added the ability to wrap code snippets around selected text if the snippet contains the "" token
* Added the "In Selection" option to the Find dialog to search only in the current text selection
* Added the ability to use localized PHP help files by changing the language token in the options
* Separated the Projects in the Workspace into single files
* Workbench now remembers the local files that were open from the last exit and will reopen them
* Fixed the problem with the debugger not honoring any breakpoints set in the current file
* All breakpoints in all open files are now set when debugging
* Added the "Run to Cursor" functionality for the debugger
* New default icon set designed by Matthew (Bob Hackitt)
* Added "Global Variables" section to the Class Browser
* Added support for PHP5 classes with private, protected and public keywords
* Added Javascript keywords for syntax highlighting
* Fixed include file parsing and support function insight
* Added "Run and redirect" option to the Run menu allowing the user to automatically redirect script output to a local file
* Rearranged the gutters to position the code-folding icons away from the line-selection area
* Redesigned the Options panel for Extensions, allows the user to set the default extension for an extension group and also the default group to show when viewing the open file dialog
* Fixed a problem with extension groups being duplicated
* Added the "Script Parameters" for external viewing
* Added the MouseDwell action for viewing Function Insight
* Fixed debugging when using a webserver for parsing PHP scripts
* Updated HTML help file HTML 4.01
* Updated CSS help file to CSS2
* Added the <CR> to search combo in the toolbar so that the search is automatically performed
* Fixed the positioning of the Interactive PHPDoc comment panel so that it will move above or below the current function declaration depending on screen size
* Added the ability to set the debugger port used by Workbench, when using CGI parsing it will automatically override the php.ini setting for Xdebug
* Added HTML automatic code-completion
Added the option for disabling the code-completion for HTML tags and attributes
* Disabled floating tool window support until the Docking library can be replaced
* Added the ability to add remote files to a Project
* Fixed the Class Wizard to properly handle PHPDoc comments
* Fixed numbered bookmarks so they can be toggled off
* Added "Find Matching Brace" functionality from Studio
* Fixed the Messages window so that it will use the system colors instead of being limited to black on white
* Changed the behavior of the Help window so that it can be open but will not stay on top of Workbench frame
* Snippets sections dropdown now remembers previous selection
* Fixed the Function Insight to be closed when the mouse moves out of the editor panel * Fixed the Child elements in the Code toolbar
* Added the ability to rename remote files via the Remote Browser tool window
* Enabled all Toolkit modules for the Linux build
* Added a save position function to the current file when closing Workbench, next execution will position cursor at the last location in the current file
* Upgraded the communication to Xdebug by converting to the DBGp messaging protocol

Hoffe diese Informationen sind hilfreich
ich danke dir für die infos, maguma. ich werde mir das programm bei gelegenheit anschauen.
Ich habe mich soeben wiedereinmal am eclipse mit dem php plugin versucht:
Fazit bisher (nach 1Tag arbeiten damit). Brauchbar

Schritt für Schritt Installationsdoku auf einfach befolgen und siegen :)

ich hab mir phpeclipse seit längerem nicht mehr angeschaut. jedenfalls würd ich an deiner stelle unbedingt auch mal das xored trustudio anschauen, welches ebenfalls auf eclipse basiert:

momentan ist milestone 6 draussen, und sieht schon sehr gut aus.
kann man das jetzt installieren ? letztes mal hat bei mir total geklemmt.

Aber ich versuchs gleich nochmals, danke für den Tipp
Vom Zend Studio gibbet auch eine Personal Edition, welche gratis ist.

Die ist einfach ein wenig abgespeckt, folgende Features sind deaktiviert

* Profiler
* Code Analyzer
* Inspectors
* Remote debugging and Debug URL
* Functions description info during code completion
* Find in files
* Printing
* Block Indenting

Richtig schmerzhaft ist nur das Fehlen der Suchfunktion und das Block muss halt jede Zeile einzeln einrücken.