sperrt Accounts von Partnerprogrammen



Diese Mail trudelte heute Vormittag bei mir ein:


Important notice. Paypal has closed our XY account, there reason being,
we are a "pymarid marketing scam". This is ofcorse complete bullshit

Thank you for contacting PayPal.

Upon reviewing the account information, I show the account has been
permanently limited due to violating the Acceptable Use Policy. You may
not use PayPal to send or receive payments for any form of multi-level
marketing programs (including online payment randomizers), as well as
matrix, pyramid and Ponzi schemes, "get rich quick" scheme, or other
similar ventures. Please know that PayPal reserves the right to take
preventative or corrective actions to protect itself and its users. I
would like to apologize for any inconvenience on this matter; however, the
decision is final and the account will not be reinstated.


YOUR ACCOUNT COULD BE NEXT!!! Anyone who has been paid by us, may have there account

Withdraw all your funds immediatly, close your account. And warn your friends!!!

We can now only use epassporte, stormpay or wires for affiliate payments.
Please update your payment method within 24hrs to insure there is no payment
delays,and if necessary apply for a FREE ATM card.

access your account here:


Thanks PD
and the XY team

Was soll da gefischt werden? Bei "access your account here:" stand der Login-Link mit User-Name und Passwort wie man ihn nach der Anmeldung erhält. Es ist auch nicht das erste Partnerprogramm, daß PayPal gekickt hat. Es wurden auch die Bedingungen für die FREE ATM card gesenkt.
Hallo Rainer

Wo der Link hinführt konnte ich ja nicht sehen.

Wenn da tatsächlich Konten auf Grund von Schneeballsystem-Verdächtigungen gesperrt werden, könnte es ähnlich enden wie bei Google Adsense