Online Marketing: Absolute Beginner. Where to start?

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Hello everyone,,,

I've always had an interest in marketing, and now that I have a more lax semester of uni coming up, I would enjoy trying my hand at online marketing. However, I don't know where to start at all. What is a good platform to advertise on? What is a good product for affiliation? I know a little bit about SEO (used to work for a webshop) and I have a little experience in copy writing. However, my technical skills are not phenomenal.

What I am asking is, what is a good starting point for an absolute beginner? Are there any good free resources out there? Any tips or leads you may have?

Any help is greatly appreciated! :)

What is a good platform to advertise on? What is a good product for affiliation?
Two different cup of tea here.

Advertising is something pretty complex on is own. Affiliate Market is really overrun which in itself is not that much of an issue. It just costs you more money. 

In advertising the key is to begin with a a low price keyword in your respective keyword area. You need to wait till the advertiser, Google, Bing or other serves you more data. Take a note to not only serving the ad to as many people as possible but to serve it to those people interested in your product. 

Would you really trust an affiliate product recommendation from one of us? Invest thousands of $ into Site, Socials, Ads just on me saying so?

In sales the only driving force is the seller, almost all factors are against success. If you are not convinced how can you convince others?  

Hallo Margin, es freut mich, dass Du diesem Forum beigetreten bist. Und ich finde es auch sehr gut, dass Du gleich eine Nachricht geschrieben hast. Das Forum lebt von den Autoren. Danke Dir.

Nur etwas würde mich aus persönlichen Gründen wunder nehmen: Was hat Dich bewegt, in einem Deutschsprachigen Forum englisch zu schreiben? Ich meine, es gibt ja tausende von englisch sprachigen Foren... warum in einem deutschsprachigen? Das frage ich, weil ich selbst leider die englische Sprache viel zu wenig verstehe.

Um so mehr freut es mich, dass Du schon eine ebenfalls englische Antwort bekommen hast. Und ich hoffe, dass Dich diese Antwort, wenn ich sie auch nicht zu 100% verstehe, gut weiter helfen wird.

Viele liebe Grüsse 

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