How does Google detect cheating in SEO?


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Many times, for site administrators, they face a sudden downturn and do not know why. In this case, Google may have suspected the site as fraudulent, and feel that it is doing activities to bypass rules and acquire Rating is unrealistic. In the following, we will examine how and when Google feels the site is cheating on SEO and how to prevent it.

1. Detect fraud in a pattern outside of Google algorithms
Some customers are complaining that suddenly several of their keywords have experienced a severe downgrade. We looked closely at the site's severity in several keywords (more than 10 ratings per keyword). By reviewing how we created these customers and how to upgrade the site, we concluded that this drop was not due to Google algorithms.

This issue occurs when the content you create for the site is not a complete copy. It's a pseudo-copy.

What is pseudo-copy?
Pseudo-copy is an essay that was apparently original and completely unique. But in fact, the article is a copy of another article whose only terms have been edited to not be identified as a copy.

Unique content sites can complain to Google to copy their content to other sites. These complaints are usually handled by an expert manually.

In this way, sites with pseudo-copy content will be penalized.

How to prevent Google Copy from detecting copywriting
Of course, the best way is not to copy. But the fact is that, despite the high volume of published content on the Web, virtually all of the material published on the Web is in part of itself a pseudo copy of another article, and Google experts know this well.

So to avoid such a drop in the rankings that Google replies to the site's content being detected. After we have edited the copy, we have to rewrite it with our words. Add some unique content and add your own opinions and experiences to the article.

Perhaps you've heard the name of the library research. In this way, you will study the content of the book and write it in your own language and you will add a comment to it at the end.

It is allowed to use this method to produce academic articles, and certainly for articles on the site.

The best way to solve the problem of pseudo-copy material
Extract your content instead of using a site. Read the whole article and type in your own language. Edit the typed text to enhance readability by the contact. Finally, add your personal comments and experiences.

2. Superiority of rivals
One of the worst issues that all website owners and SEOs are struggling with. Top competitors.

But what is the superior competitor's association with cheating on SEO? In fact, Google ranked sites based on their content, and if you rank second. Your content is less than authentic. Or fake counterfeit.

A superior competitor will not give you a drop in the rating and will not be penalized for your site. But who owns a site that does not rank Google.

How to analyze the superior competitor
To analyze your top competitors, do the following:

Ranksignal site to check sites that your competitors have links to.
Checking the channels of social networking rivals.
Tip: When it comes to checking the social networking channels of competitors, we will examine the number of contacts, the way of thinking, the content insertion policy, the structure of the content contained in these networks, and how to interact with the users.

How can we get rival sites out of the box?

Black hat method: Make a complaint to Google for a black hat on the rival site. When the competitor's site does not receive a rating due to a review by Google experts, push him forward.
White Hat Method: Modeling competing advertising practices and creating patterns that are more in line with the same structure. For example, if your rival spends a lot of fun on social networks. You will find your birthday list of all your followers and insert them in the calendar. Then send birthday greetings to each one on the right date.
3. There is a problem in the pages of the site
Google considers some of the problems as fraud and penalizes your site by dropping or even eliminating search results.

One of the most obvious of these errors is the existence of a large number of 404 errors on the site. The large number of 404 errors in Google's terms is cheating. Given that this problem results in a negative user experience. Naturally, Google's reciprocal interaction with audience dissatisfaction will lead to a downgrade if such a problem occurs.

How to find and fix your site's problems
 By registering a site in Google Webmaster, you can check out a lot of problems, including the 404 error problem. After you discover a link that causes an error of 404, you can correct it.

If the link is on the external site and the contact with the manager could not solve the problem. Create a page with that address on your site or redirect that address to a page from your site.

4. Remove a large number of links
Suppose a site to raise your rank. For a month, buy 9,000 links. After the end of the month, the site suddenly loses 9,000 incoming links. This is an example of SEO fraud.

If your site suddenly loses a lot of links. Google concludes that you bought a link and penalized your site with a downgrade.

The reason is that we deny the links in the various articles and link insertion in the comments to the irrelevant sites. That's why. Because even if at first Google has no problem buying the link. When these links are removed, your site's ranking will drop significantly.

How to avoid rating loss due to link reduction
Do not buy the link.
If you pay a site to advertise. Sign a long-term contract.
Do not link to unrelated sites. Because the owners of these sites may suddenly remove all the links.
When creating a guest post in your contract, refrain from deleting the link for a long time.
If a site has deleted your links. Ask them to re-create links.
5. Updating Google algorithms
Sometimes you do not cheat on the site. But by updating Google algorithms, your operation is cheating. For example, before 2012, we would be happy to click on a link to your site's link in Google with a proxy software to increase the site's clickthrough rate (CTR). But with Google's algorithms updated, it's no longer possible. The sites that did it did not have any previous ratings.

Updating Google algorithms creates a lot of problems for sites. Many sites that use the keyword multiplier in their content to rank higher on Google. Suddenly, Google's search algorithm was updated to the top of the search results page.

How to reset the Google update
The best way is to understand the way Google's programmers update their algorithms. We know that the goal of Google's programmers is that sites that are attractive to the actual audience. Keep in high ratings and give the rest of the sites a weaker rating.

So, to avoid fake, recognizing SEO activities in Google's algorithm updates is just enough to write quality and engaging content. Then advertise it on virtual networks. Afterwards, with the help of the CTA (a button and an engaging title link to persuade the user to do something), we ask our users to reinstate our content on social networks.

No matter how complicated Google algorithms are. If the site has quality and attractive content. The audience creates a consistent connection with the site. Which naturally makes the site ranked day by day.

How does Google detect cheating in SEO?
In the above, we've highlighted ways to detect the fake SEO site. Other than the above methods, there are routine methods that regularly check your site for non-fraudulent behavior.

1- Detection of fraud by Google Panda Algorithm
This algorithm is sensitive to content. Non-quality content, very small and worthless content, copy content, different content for the search engine and audience, are among the issues that this algorithm examines.

Google's Panda algorithm recognizes SEO fraud

1- Code to Content:
If the page has more code than content. Or the code-to-content ratio is close to one. The text of the non-quality page is detected. If you draw a deficit line, write the code number and the number of words below it. If the resulting number is close to the result of this division, you probably have used a large table in your coding. Or, your page does not have the appropriate text size content.

Bootstrap grid and code generation
Sometimes people hear that they should not use the table. Create tables inside your content with Bootstrap. This will not help reduce the amount of code.

If your table has a lot of rows and columns and it has table content (technical specifications table, etc.). Use the tables in your content. But remember to have detailed descriptions outside of the table too. This way, the ratio of the code to your text is appropriate.

2. The contact for a word searches for your site and does not find the intended content
It's easy to buy a link to the site for content that does not really exist. This method is one of the most revenue-generating methods of black hat SEO.

Google panda finds the fake content of these pages by calculating the user's login time and the time spent on the site and the time it returns to the search results.

To avoid this method, some sites hide their links within a pop-up on high-ranking sites in Google. But keep in mind that this is quickly detected by Google and punished.

If you want users to see your site in Google results for a specific term. You have to create useful and useful content on your site.

3. Very light and unconventional content
Suppose you have searched for the word "how to build an atomic bomb". In the search results, click on a link and you will encounter a page with a paragraph in the text. It probably leaves the site without reading it.

Google assumes that useful content should have at least 2,000 words. But if your content is less than that, but a lot of people come to your site and their shelf-life is near the shelf-life of the competitors' sites. Your site will not be penalized.

Note: Do not add any pages with content less than 300 words to your site.

2. Fraud detection by the Google Penguin algorithm
Frauds associated with keywords are penalized by this algorithm.

The Google Penguin algorithm checks for the following to detect fraud.

The number of keywords in the page address
The number of keywords in the page title
Number of keywords in meta description
The number of keywords and its location in the headings of the article
Number of keywords in em and strong tags
Number of keywords within the text
3- Detection of SEO fraud by Algorithm
The cheat chicken algorithm checks the cheat on the link. This algorithm examines the following.

Number and title of output links
Number and title of incoming links
The content of the backlinks site
Site content of the recipient link


Even the best cheaters get trapped. So instead of investing in a black hat and cheating on SEO, it's best to sign up with an authoritative SEO company to make content relevant and engaging to you, and to market your content to increase the actual audience of your site. The white hat helps your site stay viable in search results.

Another copy and paste artist trying his/her luck. And all that text about not "cheating" Google to place a link.

What will Google say about that? 

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