According to me Linkbuilding is the least ranking factor! See below

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Hello everyone

I am doing SEO for a very long time. SEO is changed to UX ... Now google wants to reward you if you are doing white has seo. Whitehat SEO means to rank the site by natural backlinks by giving the best  quality content to the users.

Bounce rate

Session Duration

Domain Age

Use of Graphics

Well, I have been doing some SEO for, I have some difficulty in the world, I'm getting some trouble ...

SEO is all about hardwork.

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Hello everyone,,

I am doing SEO for a very long time. In the past SEO was totally different and nowadays SEO is changed to UX... Now google will reward you if you are doing white hat seo. Whitehat SEO means to rank the site by natural backlinks by giving the best quality content to the users.

Bounce Rate

Session Duration

Domain Age

Use of Graphics

Well, I have seen many websites and here is one of the sites i saw when I was doing SEO for, I faced some difficulty as client daily asks for the progress and I all the time says that show some patience...

SEO is all about hardwork.
well all being said here>

Let me tell you that neither Bounce Rate nor Session Duration are ranking factors.

Nobody knows if I just found what I was looking for in a page hence short while on page or if I just went out to fetch a coffee or go to the loo upon oping a page.  

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