
  1. gtpadmin

    700+ Domains & Websites - Zu Verkaufen!

    Komplette portfolio zu verkaufen... Click Hier
  2. gtpadmin

    Dedicated EU Hosting- Vorschlag?

    Who do you recommend for non-managed dedicated hosting in EU? My requirements; 1. Operation system: Windows 2000/XP/2003 2. Internet Information Server with FrontPage Extensions 3. Microsoft Framework 2.0 4. Windows Media Rights Manager 9 SDK with installed certificate for Windows...
  3. gtpadmin

    Berlin 24, 25, 26 April- AOE Conference & Expo

    AOE Berlin Webmasters Conference Hier trifft sich die gesamte europäische und internationale Branche und macht die Geschäfte von morgen! Ob "groß" oder "klein" macht hier keinen Unterschied. Gerade für deutsche Webmaster eine heiße Chance. Beste Kontaktmöglichkeiten in...
  4. gtpadmin

    Back again ! Sali zamme---Happy New Year

    Well, would just like to wish everyone a sucessfull & prosperous new year! Best wishes also to the Small n Tall team... you guys have done well with this forum! Sorry, that I have not been active here but I moderate at netpond and it takes most of my time... besides my work ;-)...
  5. gtpadmin

    Help Wanted Exp. Webmaster

    Hello & Sali, I write this in english because applicant should have a good working knowledge of the english language / und Deutsch... Work includes production of adult related websites. Strong html, PHP skills required. Great opportunity & terms for right individual. Contact me through...
  6. gtpadmin

    Reseller Accounts on Sale!

    Reseller Special! sFr 150- monthly 20GB Disc Space 200G monthly bandwidth additional Bandwidth sFr 3.00 per Gig Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz Analog 5.32 Apache 1.3.27/2.0.x BIND 9.2.2 clamav 0.60-4.1 cronolog 1.6.2 FrontPage 2002 g++ 2.96 gettext 0.12.1 Mailscanner 4.24-5 majordomo 1.94.5 Miva...
  7. gtpadmin

    Who loves Porn?

    Who is doing adult sites here besides myself?? Inquiring minds want to know
  8. gtpadmin

    Press release

    Friday, May 14, 2004 Press Release: Partner Program Attention Webmasters, Introducing a new mainstream Body Art themed product to increase your monthly earnings, tattoo designs online, " The web's greatest resource for Tattoo designs and Tattoo art&#33...
  9. gtpadmin

    New alternative partner program! $$

    Attention Webmasters, Introducing a new mainstream Body Art themed product to increase your traffic and earnings; This “inkcredible” affiliate program (excuse the pun) will be launching June 15th. It’s all a secret now, but you can bet for sure its tattoo related. 1. How many people in the...
  10. gtpadmin

    Hast Du schon Skype probiert?

    Telephone service bei Skype aktuel, international, gratis und mega cool! The same people who brought you Kazaa-- Besser qualität als andere anbieter--Net2phone, netmeeting, etc.. integrieren auch in phpBB forum, oder deine website--- Skype me "gtpadmin"
  11. gtpadmin

    Have skills? Need a new direction?

    Looking for 4 partners to build a cooperative group based on rebuilding currently active international adult and non-adult webportals, and webhosting services for venture & profit. Talent, interest, motivation, dependability, creativity, and innovationative ideas needed. Html, php, linux...